
Doug Moench & Gene Day A Fantasy of the Autumn Moon Master of Kung Fu 114

Master of Kung Fu 114 A Fantasy of the Autumn Moon Doug Moench & Gene Day

the master of Kung Fu series - It was a freaky hodge-podge martial arts/spy thriller take-off on Bruce Lee movies, the Kung Fu tv series, James Bond, old Fu Manchu pulp stories, John Lecarre, Jim Steranko, Marvel superheroes, created by Steve Englehart and Jim Starlin but quickly taken over by main writer Doug Moench with Paul Gulacy, Mike Zeck, and Gene Day as main artists.

  Gene Day - he was heavily influenced by Jim Steranko and Russ Heath - and produced some amazing work on MOKF 100-120. I even got to meet him at a convention as a wee one and he was a very friendly and knowledgeable person.

The first link below is an article that I found useful for Gothic and expressionistic esthetic principles, for example:

'Expressionism, the artistic style that portrays internal states by means of external visual distortions, avoids sentimentality by means of hyperstylized mise en scene in which perspectival distortion, including chiaroscuro lighting and often grotesquely canted elements within the frame, transports the viewer into a symbolic psychological setting in which the central figure both signifies subjectivity and is signified within a setting of externalized subjectivity.'
The presence of Orson Welles in Robert Stevenson's Jane Eyre (1944), The Literature Film Quarterly, 2003 by Campbell, Gardner


Below is a link to Jim Steranko's
Outland - film adaptation, which was very influential on Gene Day's work:


Shakespeare - Coriolanus - This is a tragedy set in Rome, the word on the street on this one is divided, people have different interpretations - but I feel that it is a masterpiece, it's a study on the relationship of the Patricians and the Plebeans and I feels really presents contradictions and ambiguities on both sides masterfully... so i think it's a masterpiece, so sue me ;-)


Lena said...

Greetings!It is good,that you have noticed a veriety of methods.I think,too it is interesting to you to draw in various techniks ,different metods.To find the style-is good.But to work only in one style not interestingly.Yes?Lena.

Percy Bysshe said...

Thanks Lena - I agree - I find it very interesting to change techniques and styles - it's something I would like to do more - experiment with different techniques and medium...